
How To Play :
01. Fill out the width & height of the board and click submit.
02. There are mines located randomly on some cells on the board.
03. The goal of the game is to find the location of all cells that contain no mines.
04. Some cells with no mines also contain a number that show how many mines on the neighboring cells.
05. "O" button is used to choose a cell that you think it contains no mines.
06. "X" button is used to mark a cell if you think it contains mines.
07. To remove a mark, just click the marked cell when the "X" button is active.
08. You are considered wrong if you choose a cell that contain mines when the "O"
button is active.
09. The minimum width * height of the board is 3 * 3.
10. The maximum width * height of the board is 26 * 26.
11. There are 2 kind of hints in the game.
12. HintA = User choose a cell in the board and the answer will be shown.
13. The number of HintA that can be used is N = ((width + height) div 6).
14. HintB = The answer of 2 random cells that hasn't been chosen will be shown.
15. HintB can only be used if N is more than 4.
16. The number of HintB that can be used is (N - 4).
17. There will be (N - 1) Wrong Chance(s).
18. You lose if you make a mistake while having 0 Wrong Chance.

Width : Height :